"The circumstances outside of my life are all for my good.

I think only peace, I breathe only love, I speak only harmony.

My conditions and my environment are changed by the alchemy of my thinking into a perfect symphony of happiness for me now."

"The American people will learn by and by what they ought fully to realize today; that the moment the honest people, the citizens, in distinction from the barnacles, mass themselves and stay massed, the notorious, filthy poilitical rings cannot stand before them for a period of even twenty-four hours.

The right, the good, the true, is all-powerful, and will inevitably conquer sooner or later when brought to the front. Such is the history of civilization.

Let our public offices: municipal, state, and federal, be filled with men who are in love with the human kind. Large men, men whose lives are founded upon this great law of service, and we will then have them filled with statesmen.

Never let this glorious world be disgraced, degraded, by applying it to the little, self-centred whelps who are unable to get beyond the politician stage."

I'm so thankful for everyone that has been there for me throughout the previous chapter in my life- I want to say a great big THANK YOU!

Frequently Asked Questions

I've been at an exclusive country club, reserved for those citizens that have decided to either abdicate their responsibilities to society or commit felonious infractions of said society's laws.

No. Next question.

Well, I have quite a few irons in the fire. But I'm prioritizing my health (mental, emotional, and otherwise), pursuing my educational goals, and reconnecting with my family.

Message me on any of the main social platforms to start. You can also send me an email.

Well......you can't! It's worth a shot, though!

"I have realized that the past and the future are real illusions, that they exist in the present, which is what there is and all there is."

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Smash the buttons to
get at me!

"I got line of sight on infinity,
so I'm livin' exactly how I'm finna be."


Create multiple income streams

CompTIA Certifications

Hack Reactor Bootcamp

Internship @ a cyber security company

More Ways to Connect

  • Location: Paradise Valley, Arizona
  • Phone: 480.489.9728
  • Email: verdugotalonj@gmail.com
naruto so hapi

From the bottom of my heart, thank you to each and every one of you who donated to my GoFundMe campaign. Your generosity and kindness are truly overwhelming. Thanks to your incredible support, I've had a much easier time readjusting. These contributions have made and will to continue to make a significant difference in my cortisol levels! I am so incredibly grateful to have such a wonderful support system of friends and family. Thank you all for your belief in me!